13 January 2021, 7h30 AM: Departure!
After months of preparation and two days of mobilization, we left this morning at 7:30 a.m., with a certain emotion present on all decks.
The dolphins accompanied us as soon as we left the port. On the way, since this morning, we have made tests of “fish”, a small torpedo that we drag on the side and that allows us to take clean surface samples. We acquired this “fish” this year and this is the first time it has been deployed aboard the RV Marion Dufresne. The sailors and the technical team managed to deploy it without any major problems and we have already collected our first samples! We are now heading to our “test” station where we will deploy our three types of instruments: the standard CTD rosette, the clean CTD rosette and the in-situ pumps. We hope for as many successes as we have had so far…